Mrs.Gaunt's PK Class

Mrs.Gaunt's PK Class
Future Red Tornadoes

Friday, November 22, 2013

A Peek at our Week! November 18-22

We had a great week! We learned about weather this week. We read What Do I Wear in the Weather? We ended the week really learning about the weather!! We took a picture with our Fall tree on Thursday and then left for the weekend with ice! 
We learned about the letter I. We made a letter I into an ice cream cone.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Peek at our Week! November 11-15

November 11-15

We know the letter H and the sound it makes! We made cute letter H horses!

We are learning our numbers. We know number 8. We had fun at math time.

We practiced letters with our alphabet puzzles. 

We are learning about Fall. We painted beautiful  Fall leaves.

We love our I pad time! We are working on our fine motor skills. We thank the Clinton Public School Foundation for our new appcrayon stylus they gave us! 

Our FaceTime Buddies, the Himetimers, read to us. We look forward to it every Friday!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Welcome to our new class blog!

Welcome to our Pre-K Blog! Please comtinue to visit for updated information about our fun PK life! Our blog is like a journal, a never ending record of all the exciting adventures we experience in Pre-K. We are an enthusiastic group of four and five year olds who care about each other and the world around us. We hope you enjoy reading, watching and being a part of what we do! Thanks for visiting!